Nicole Gaudet is making a Splash in Zumba!

Meet Nicole Gaudet It was during the height of the pandemic when past Y CEO, Jason Dickson approached a popular Zumba instructor, Nicole Gaudet to inquire whether Zumba had any sort of aqua program.  At the time, the Y was looking to re-invigorate its programming. Nicole reached out to Joan Gillespie, our manager

2024-09-27T15:23:14+00:00September 27th, 2024|

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – Monday, September 30

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation - Monday, September 30 The following statement refers to the Indian Residential School System. A National Indian Residential School Crisis Line has been set up to provide support for residential school Survivors and others affected. People can access emotional and crisis referral services by calling the 24-hour

2024-09-25T13:16:48+00:00September 23rd, 2024|
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