National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – Monday, September 30

The following statement refers to the Indian Residential School System. A National Indian Residential School Crisis Line has been set up to provide support for residential school Survivors and others affected. People can access emotional and crisis referral services by calling the 24-hour national crisis line: 1-866-925-4419.

September 30, 2024 is the fourth annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, as well as Orange Shirt Day. National Day for Truth and Reconciliation honours the thousands of Indigenous children lost to the residential school system, Survivors, and their communities. Orange Shirt Day was initiated by Phyllis Webstad sharing her experiences as a residential school Survivor. On this day, we are called on to engage in learning and dialogue about the colonial violence enacted by the state and church-run residential school system, and its ongoing intergenerational and community harm. Both dates also invite genuine commitment to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls for Action.

Today, YMCA Canada wishes to express solidarity with Indigenous communities, and reflect upon our ongoing need to engage in a process of Truth and Reconciliation. We continue to mourn and bear witness as more unmarked graves are recovered across Canada. We want to acknowledge the pain that each recovery means for Indigenous communities, including Indigenous YMCA staff, volunteers, and members.

This National Day of Reconciliation, YMCA Canada encourages all non-Indigenous individuals and organizations to act in solidarity with Indigenous communities, including our own leadership, staff, volunteers, and members. The process of reconciliation requires that non-Indigenous individuals and settler-led Institutions recognize and reflect upon their ongoing responsibilities to the Indigenous nations of the land. This work must be done not just today, but every day.

Hours of Operation

YMCA – 570 York Street: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Fredericton North YMCA: CLOSED

There will be NO registered programs and NO Group Fitness Classes on Monday, September 30.

List of Local Events for Truth & Reconciliation

(September 30 unless otherwise indicated)

  • JEDI is hosting a free KAIROS Blanket Exercise session at the Maqiyahtimok Centre from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Register here and join members at the chamber team. (September 27)
  • Fredericton Region Museum – Visit the museum to learn more about Wabanaki cultural history and take a moment to reflect. (September 29)
  • Sitansisk (St. Mary’s First Nation) Every Child Matters Ceremony. Gathering at the Old Reserve on Union Street at 10:30 am, with the walk beginning at 11:00 am – ending at Officers’ Square with a ceremony honouring Indigenous children who never returned home from the residential school system, as well as the survivors, their families and Communities.
  • UNB’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Event – 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
  • Under One Sky is hosting the second Psi-te Npomawsuwinuwok (All My People) event! All are welcomed and encouraged to attend this community gathering focusing on healing and celebrating Indigenous peoples, our resiliency and our cultures. 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm. at St. Mary’s First Nations Old Reserve.