The YMCA Youth Access Program is available to youth ages 5-21. It is an opportunity for youth to enjoy barrier-free access to the YMCA at no cost. The Youth Access membership provides youth access to drop-in programs such as open gym and recreational swim; use of the wellness centre for those 13 and older; and one registered program per registration session (some fees may apply). Youth Access memberships are activated for 4 months at a time – survey completion is required for initial activation and renewal of memberships.

The following circumstances should resonate with the youth you are nominating: recent home life changes preventing them from paying for a membership; extra-curricular activities would benefit the youth academically or socially; low income; or involved in the provincial care system. For youth 19-21, they must not have access to another fitness centre, or demonstrate that their household cannot afford to pay for a membership.

Nomination Process Once the community support person identifies the Youth they would like to nominate they need to complete the nomination form and the legal guardian of the Youth will need to complete a consent form (if the Youth is under 18).

Nomination Form
This form is to be completed by the community support person of the Youth seeking a membership.

Link to Nomination Form

Consent Form
This form is to be completed by the legal guardian of the Youth seeking a membership. If the Youth is over the age of 18, they can complete this themselves.

Link to Consent Form

Both the nomination form and consent form need to be completed in order for the youth to be contacted for next steps.

These forms will be forwarded to the Outreach Team and should you need to be contacted, a member of our team will connect with you. Please feel free to email the team at with any questions regarding the process.