Mark Your Calendars For September!
Mark your calendars for September! September 1: Start of the NO JOINER FEE membership promotion September 2: Labour Day. Holiday Hours at 570 York Street (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) Fredericton North YMCA is CLOSED September 4 & 5: Information session for YMCA Ignite Youth Swim Team 6:00 p.m. September 9: Start of the Fall Term for Registered Programs September 11: First meeting for Family Friend September 12: First meeting for Power Up September 18: First meeting of Launchpad for Women Entrepreneurs 5:30 p.m. at the Fredericton Public Library September 30: National Day for Truth & Reconciliation/Orange Shirt Day. Holiday Hours at 570 York Street(8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) Fredericton North YMCA is CLOSED End of No Joiner Fee Membership Promotion.
Information Session about YMCA Ignite Swim Team
Information Session About the YMCA Ignite Swim Team Welcome to the inaugural season of the Fredericton YMCA Ignite Swim Team. The goal of our “competitive” swim program is to provide young swimmers an opportunity to develop friendships and personal character strengths through training and competing in the 4 standard swimming strokes. We invite all swimmers in ages 7 - 12 who have participated in developmental swim lessons to join our fun, engaging and at times challenging program which will include multiple training sessions each week, and opportunities to race in the pool. Please note, our application to be an affiliated partner of Swim NB is currently under review. Once affiliated, our swimmers will have opportunities to participate in local and regional swim meets. Being part of Ignite is a commitment for swimmers and for families. The swim season runs from September to June each year and parents will be encouraged to participate as team volunteers at events and meets. Ignite swimmers will be entitled to all of the benefits that accompany their YMCA membership, such as drop in programs, additional youth programs and access to lane swims and gyms depending on their age. We will be hosting two information sessions for interested families: September 4 & 5 at 6:00pm at the YMCA (570 York Street)
Update on Air Handling Equipment
You may have noticed that the heat and humidity in our YMCA at 570 York Street has been higher than normal during the recent heat wave. During the previous heat wave in June we had a motor failure on one of our air handling units. That motor will be replaced next week. The installation of the new air handling motor will require a crane on site. The location of the crane is to be determined by the contractor and may impact a small area of the parking lot area. Thank you for your patience as we await the new air handling equipment.