The following survey is required to maintain your YAP membership. Completion of the survey will allow us to activate your membership for another 6 months.. At the end of that period, you will be required to complete an additional survey to reactivate your membership and so on. After one year of membership, you will need to be re-nominated.
If you have any questions, please connect with us at
The following information is regarding the Youth who will have the membership.
The following information is regarding your YMCA membership and your goals.
The following information is regarding the four quality of life indicators.
Thank you for completing this survey. We are honoured to be involved in your wellness journey and know that the identifying information you provided will not be shared outside of the YMCA. The non-identifying information you provided may be used in reports and applications for further funding to provide additional memberships to the youth in our community. Please contact us with any questions at
By checking "I understand", I acknowledge that I have read and understand the following statements: 1. By completing this survey I am allowing the Outreach team to activate my Youth Access membership for one membership term. 2. When this membership expires, I will be required to complete another survey to reactivate my membership for another term. 3. I am prepared to use my membership regularly and complete a check-in survey at the end of every term. I understand that by not using my membership or completing the check-in survey, my membership may not be renewed. 4. I am prepared to abide by the Fredericton YMCA conduct policy.