The Perfect Fix!

Meet Angela Hopkins

In the latter part of 2023, I was diagnosed with Familial Hypercholesterolemia, in other words, High Cholesterol. At only 45, I thought, as if, I’m too young for that! But, then started to think about my diet, 4 decades of a high sugar, highly processed, convenience foods, diet, and quickly realized, it was possible!

I talked with my Nurse Practitioner about ways to “cure” high cholesterol. Honestly, I didn’t really know what it was. She was certain this was hereditary and that no matter what I did I wasn’t going to be able to get my numbers down without meds. Ha! Watch me!

Off to the internet I went. I searched, and searched, and researched and researched, everything I could find about cholesterol, and all its acronyms! How could I “fix” this? I was determined. Diet and exercise, or lack thereof, certainly played a big role! I figured out how some foods could help lower cholesterol, and which ones to avoid. Meal prep became my second job!

Exercise was next! I started at the Y on February 11, and since then I have successfully been able to bring my cholesterol levels back to what is consider normal. In addition, I’ve dropped almost 20 lbs, and lost 9 inches off my waistline. Showing up for the multitude of Group Fitness classes gave me a great sense of what my body, and mind, needed, and they also gave me the freedom to accommodate my personal and work schedule. The classes also gave me accountability because I wasn’t going to do these workouts at home, something else would have always taken priority over exercise. The absolute best part about all this has been the friends, and confidence, I’ve gained since becoming a member of the YMCA Fredericton!